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If you are looking for a set of dives that does not appear on the page it should (like the 2011 Bon Aire dives are not on the Bon Aire page) it is because I wrote about those dives only on the blog. The blog is at blog.handi-divers.com

Same with photos, they will only be on the photos.handi-divers.com page.

If you don't want to type in the URL, you can go back to the Home page and click on the link near the top of the page.



Home Page | About Us | Contact Us | Services | Site Map | Maui 2007 | Bon Aire, 2006 | Phase of Moon | Handi-DIvers Drift in Cozumel | Handi-Divers Safe Transfer From Boat to Boat | Honolulu Travel Tips | Cayman Brac, 2007 | Travel to Marshall Islands, April 2008 | Journal Index | Links | Oahu Dives

Starfield Technologies, Inc.